Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Free Energy

There is currently a huge problem around the world with energy. The energy crisis itself is not the problem. The challenge resides in the way of making money from clean energy without giving people what Tesla proposed which was free energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is all around you in the air we breath and in the food we eat. You are expelling energy reading this blog while I am expelling energy typing. The energy is then transmuted into heat energy into the air. Eventually resulting in your lack of energy causing you to want a cheeseburger.

Now, big business and big government tell you that the only way to power your home is from the electric company. The electric company then is a consumer of the electric power plant. The power plant is then a consumer of a natural product thus resulting in a high demand for a simple necessity that can monitored and monopolized upon. This process is the problem with the economic structure today. Eliminating the competition is what results in a monopoly thus there is no more challengers and the company can now do whatever they deem fit.

You can manipulate energy with some very simple rules that can be easily followed. Manipulating energy resulting in a usable source of power however, can be difficult, time consuming, and some what troublesome for the average man. With today's technology we can bring power to your home from the sun, the wind, the air, the water, and basically the laws of physics. The perfect clean source of renewable energy can be found, I believe, in the electromagnetic motor. Currently, our motors are driven by a current from an outside source resulting in work performed and power consumed. The problem with this is there is a huge potential of energy lost do to the fact that most of the being transferred is lost due to heat energy being converted.

Inventors and scientists around the world have created Neodymium Magnetic Motors that not only power themselves, but can also power a generator that can essentially power your home. Rockefeller, Rothschild, JP Morgan, and General Electric don't want you to know this because this means that you know you have been being ripped off for generations.

Perpetual motion has been sought after, fought over, and killed for. Its time that we take the power back. You have the ability. The engineering is all right there. Scale it up, upgrade it, and protect yourself from the lack of knowledge. Take it! Its yours!

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